BBB 2016 Tickets
A fun-filled evening full of the flavors and spirits of summer with live music generously provided by The Wellmont Theater. A BBQ themed tasting event with savory and sweet dishes from the area’s top chefs including a wide array of bourbons and beers from local artisanal and national brands. A spirited BBQ competition will be judged by some notable personalities including: Author John Holl, acclaimed beer and food writer and Veronique Deblois, KCBS Certified Judge and area food blogger.
Tickets go on sale NOW! Get them before they all go.
Saturday July 9, 2016
at the Montclair Art Museum (MAM) FroM 6-10pm
3 South Mountain Avenue, Montclair, New Jersey 07042
A fun-filled evening full of the flavors and spirits of summer with live music, a BBQ themed tasting event and a wide array of bourbons and beers from local artisanal and national brands... LEARN MORE